Accessibility Resources

Knowledge Unit 3: Accessibility Implementation

Accessibility Implementation Resources

Quick Links to Topics

Accessibility requirements

Software architecture

Designing software architectures to facilitate accessible Web applications

This paper describes common accessibility problems encountered in Web applications and explains how architecture can help address these problems...

Design of an Architecture for Accessible Web Maps for Visually Impaired Users

"This study presents the design of a conceptual software architecture for the development of accessible web maps for visually impaired users." Shows how software architecture influences software accessibility.

Software implementation

Get accessible templates for Office by Microsoft

Accessible Microsoft Office templates

e-Government in Rhode Island: what effects do templates have on usability, accessibility, and mobile readiness?

2016 paper. "This study examines state and local e-government Web sites in Rhode Island with an eye toward determining the effects of templates on accessibility, usability, and mobile readiness."

Assistive technology architecture

Accessibility guidelines

ARIA: Accessible Rich Internet Applications

What the Heck is ARIA? A Beginner's Guide to ARIA for Accessibility

Blog post introducing ARIA

Using ARIA

Guideline by W3C

Introduction to WAI-ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications)

18-minute YouTube video that introduces ARIA

ARIA HTML Tutorial - What is ARIA & Why it's Important to Use!

14-minute YouTube video discussing ARIA

Intro to ARIA -- A11ycasts #13

9 minute YouTube video that introduces ARIA.


ARIA guidelines

Assistive technology code comprehension

Assistive technology configuration files

Implement accessibility tools

Accessibility APIs

Accessibility documentation

Assistive technology implementation

Assistive technology hardware interfaces

Assistive technology documentation